We wish to introduce D.I Grow Fertilizer to you. D.I Grow Fertilizer is a
Liquid Organic Fertilizer which form the formula from U.S.A made from seaweed,
containing complete hara elements, either macro hara elements (N.P,K,Ca. Mg S)
and micro ones (Fe, 2e, Cu, Mo, Mn, B, CL). Growth stimulus essences (auksin,
sitokinin, and giberellin) Humick acid capable of improving growth, expansion
and crop production optimally.
D. I Grow fertilizer has been registered at the permit
and investment centre of the Department of Agriculture of the republic of
Indonesia with registration number L.090/ORGANIK/PPI /III/2007 for Green D.I
Grow and L.089/ORGANIK/PPI/III/2007 for Red D.I Grow and also with Nigerian
Federal Institution (IAR&T) Institute for Agricultural Research and
Technology , More Plantation Ibadan Nigeria.
In accordance with the analysis Department of
Technology and land Resources,, Faculty of Agriculture of IPB bogo content and
Composition of D.I/Power Grow is as follows:
Green D.I Grow C-org = 8, 87 % N-3, 19% P 205= 1, 15%,
k 20= 1, 21%, Ca =8, 9 p p m, Mg =O, 12%; 5= O, 61%; Micro element ( B, Cu, Fe,
Mn, Zn, Mo, Ci). D.I. Grow Merah C- org = 8, 46%; M= 1,49%; P205=2, 13%; K20 =
2, 41%; Ca=17, loppm; Mg= 36%; s=1, 31% Micro Element ( B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Mo,
D.I Grow accelerate the vegetation growth of plants,
stimulate Flowering/ insemination and prevent flower and fruit from falling
easily, it also repairs the physical nature of land in order to get the land