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Thursday, 2 December 2010
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Friday, 22 October 2010
1. As Complement Fertilizer.
Event through the D.I. GROW contains complete macro and micro hara element but the numbers are very small that it still need basic fertilizer event through ground but the basic fertilizer reduces to 30% of suggestion dosage.
2. As Growth Stimulation Essence, that is accelerate the vegetative growth of plants, stimulate flowering /insemination and prevent flower and fruit not to fall easily.
3. As Soil Conditioner, that is repair of physical nature of land in order the land to be friable again gradually.
The primary function of D.I. GROW is as complement fertilizer, not as pesticide, but D.I. GROW supply makes plant healthier. D.I. GROW is only lessen plant disease and disease attack and not make it disappear at all.
1. Produced by own factory width INTERNATIONAL scale (Malaysia).
2. Natural, organic, nontoxic and the environmental friendliness
3. Having own R&D Centre (research center) at Senai valley, Johor, Malaysia
4. Passed Quality and Effectivity test, accordance with the Department of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia.
5. Complete and well-balanced nutrition contain.
6. Containing Natural Growth Stimulation Essence.
7. In form of ion, so that easy and quickly to be permeated by mouth leaves (stomatas).
8. Practical and Economical in crop
9. Suitable for all types of crop.
10. Guarantee of Quality and rational price.
A complete contains of hara element, hormone, and humic acid in D.I. GROW by working mechanism ability, collectively and simultantly, represents the benefit potency which can be developed in improving productivity of development of crop. Some of the benefits are :
- Stimulating root formation and increasing the Efficiency of Basic Fertilizer
The continuing process of D.I. GROW application in crop body is to improve the growth of the root. The increasing of this process followed by Giberellin and Sitokinin process that forming on the root. Concentration of Giberellin and Sitokinin on the root are increasing, some are come up from the roof surface along with root exudates process.
The hormone added with fotosintesan which gathered on the root as root maker materials is also exploited by existing land/ground microbe around the young roots. The activity of metabolism on land/ground microbe allows the increasing of hara element availability absorbed by the root, especially for N and P hara. The combination development mechanism of the root and the activity of metabolism on land/ground microbe increasing the number of hara element absorbed by crop of time association. Thus, efficiency of basic fertilizer usage can be improved.
- Enlarging the leaf size and lengthened the productive age of the leaf
Auksin and Sitokinin enhanced through application of D.I. GROW, able to improve working energy of sitokinin endogen especially at process of cell bisection. The cells of crop leafs split faster, so that more cells can be formed in one time.
The same thing happens on Giberellin, with the existence of growth stimulation of the root, the amount of Giberellin Endogen increased. The increasing of Concentrated Giberellin quickened by the addition of Giberellin from D.I. GROW application, so that enable to push the process of leaf cells magnification that already formed earlier. This process is very real on crop leaf using D.I. GROW, the wide and large of the leaf is increasing up to 3 (three) time.
The increasing of Sitokinin concentration on leaf that is above normal concentration, will depress the formation of obsitat hormone. The formation of hormone Obsitat became slower so that the leaf will not become old quickly. This condition enables the leaf to have longest productive age. This effect can be seen clearly at soy and potato crops which used the D.I. GROW application. These two crops are in their normal condition, near a period of maturity (before harvest time), the leaf will turn yellow and moult quickly. But for crop using D.I. GROW until passed the age of harvest, the leaf still looks fresh and green.
- Improving the accumulation of Fotosintesa Result in the form of Fruit/Tuber
Continuation process from stimulant action of D.I. GROW is not desisted at production spots supply on leafs, this process continue to come up with depository tissues formation of food reserve, fast increase product of fotosintesa will change C/N Ratio and become relatively big. This condition make crop change its phase, from vegetative phase to generative phase. In generative phase, the crop recess its depository tissues formation in the form of fruit, root tuber, modificated leaves, and so on.
The concentration of hormone sitokinin and Giberellin addition will improve capacities of depository tissues formation. Depository tissues cells will be formed more and bigger. This condition is suitable to accommodate fotosintesa outcome which increase fastly.
This action can be seen clearly at potato tuber size which increases to 30%. On paddy crop the increasing of depository can be seen from the paddy seed size, but it can be seen at the content density, weight of mean seed which increase up to 20%.
- Stimulate Formation of Flower
The increasing of C/N ratio brings crop into a period of primordial flower, quickening the crop mature period. In this phase, addition Giberellin in eksogen way often breaks the usage dormancy because of temperature and long irradiation.
Serealia and most of annual fruit crops have real reaction on application D.I. GPOW. On paddy the average number of pull out period is faster up to 10 days. For mango and orange, they can flowering quicker between 20-30 days.
- Degrading Fall Out Level of Flowers/Fruits
The action of Giberellina and Auksin with added by eksogen, depress production of hormone obsitat. Thus, the absisi process (the release of crop parts) is pursued. There almost no production of auksin in flower and fruit. This conditions will race the formation of cork coat which grow to the limit between flower/fruit footstalk/branch, life and become cork tissues
- Lengthened Productive Age of Crop
Mechanism of D.I. GROW as a whole improves crop quality systematically. The action started from an extensive root development that able to support irrigation and hara requirements availability for crop growth process as a whole. On coronet part, by giving starter through D.I. GROW application that guaranteed additional growth hormone and micro hara element that capable able to multiply production center tissues, and finally it will be able to supply basic carbohydrate requirement for entire crop parts.
This condition enables crop maintaining its stamina every time. Real effect of this process can be seen on string bean and red chili crops using D.I. GROW. String bean can improve its picking/harvest frequency up to 70%, while on red chili crop, its production age is extendable until 30% days.
- Improving resistance to Bug/Pest Attack
Giving a complete nutrition (macro dan micro) on crop, will result in having superfine stamina, so that the usage of pesticide can be depressed.
1. The Green D.I. GROW
The Green D.I. GROW is used to increase growth and progress of the crop at vegetative phase, seeding period, and a period when the crop is sick
The Green D.I. GROW is very suitable for all kinds of fruit or non fruit crops.
The Green D.I. GROW functions to :
• Stimulate and increase the growth of root, trunk, leaf, and small crop rapidly.
• Make the sick crop back to health.
The specification of the Green D.I. GROW :
• Volume size : 0.5 liters and 4 liter
• Concentration : 3 ml / liters of water (depends on the crop age)
2. The Red D.I. GROW
The Red D.I. GROW is used to optimalizing vegetative growth, and speed up the secretion of flower and fruit. D.I. GROW is used at the time of flowering occurrence, and at the period of insemination.
The Red D.I. GROW is very suitable for all kinds of flowering/fruiting crops.
The specification the of Red D.I. GROW :
• Volume size : 0.5 liter, 1 liter and 4 liters
• Concentration : 4-5ml /liter of water (depends on the crop age)
Basically, the infiltrated of hara element into the crop’s body can be done through the root, the trunk and the leaf. The technology of D.I GROW fertilizer will be priority on the application of spraying to the leaf, since this method is more efficient and effective. Except for some crops where it is impossible to be applicated by spraying to the leaf, because the crop is too high. In this case, application can be done through hypodermic system (inject to the trunk by drilling it), by spraying to the trunk and showering the ground (the root area). Application to different kinds of crops can be seen on appendix.
The frequency of Ritegrow application can be done optimally according to the crop’s critical condition at general. The average number of crop’s critical condition can be divided in the three phases, which are:
• Young crop phase (vegetative phase)
• Flower primordial phase (generative phase)
• The excrescence/enlargement of fruit or tuber phase
Thus, application frequently be adjusted to the type of crop and short and length period of each phase
a) D.I GROW Application on Vegetative Phase
The application of D.I GROW on this condition is addressed to speed up the growth and development of the root, the trunk and the leaf. The first spraying on young crop conducted when the young leaves already able to fotosintezing optimally. At this phase application of Green D.I GROW performed for crop at the age of 10 to 20 days after being planted, with dose of 3 cc liter of water.
b). The Application of D.I. GROW on Generative Phase
This is an optimal growth phase before turning to its generative growth phase. Application of D.I GROW at this phase will make crop grow fantastically, the size of crop will be bigger than its normal size.
The relatively fast growing and the size of fruit that is above normal are possible to happen after the application of Ritegrow. Because D.I GROW is balanced with growth incentive substances (Auksin, Sitokinin, and Giberellin) which worked simultantly. Auksin caused the cells resteam the crop, its wall become elastic, enabled sitokinin races new cell growth, through quickened bisection. While hormone Giberellin races the magnification of crop’s differentiation so that the crop seemed to grow bigger and rapidly. Visually, the flowering moment of this crop will happen earlier.
At this phase, we use Red D.I. GROW. Basically, when the crop reaches above the age of 30 days after plantation (for season crop) with the doze of 4,5 cc/liter of water. While for annual crop it will be depend on the types of the crop (see annual crop application).
c). The Application of D.I. GROW on Enlargement of Fruit/Tuber Phase
At the end of vegetative grow, the crop begin to form repository for carbohydrate, this can be in the form of fruit, root tuber (corm grow), or trunk. Application on flower primordial phase has been assisted in formation tissue of the repository. The measure of fruit and tuber sizes has been drawn up through activity of differentiation multiplication of crop cells to function as carbohydrate depository vessel.
The production phase will also measure the pattern of crop growth. The initial produce phase shown that growth is bigger. At one-third of fruit or tuber age, the growth of fruit or tuber is relatively fast, it is mean that carbohydrate speed is getting higher gradually and the depository speed of this carbohydrate reaches its maximal measure at on-third of the fruit age at average. After that, the depository speed is declined and stopped when maturation of fruit or tuber take place.
At this phase use Red D.I. GROW, With dosage 4-5 cc/Liter of water. Application at this phase will give a relatively good result, and the maturation of fruit can be quickened.
To gain an optimal result, some of these following points should be noticed in using D.I GROW fertilizer
The fertilizer should be mixed by water
The fertilizer is sprayed to the whole parts of the crop and splashed in to the ground around the root.
The fertilizer is used in the morning (at 06.00 – 09.00 a.m.) or in the afternoon (after 16.00 p.m.)
Do not use it in the daylight when the sun shines intensely
Do not use it when it almost rain
The fertilizer must be used up, if the product remains, splash it to the ground around the root
If bug/pest problem occurs, the fertilizer can be mixed with pesticide
For the high crop (leaf is out of reach) the fertilizer should be splashed to the ground around the root radius or with hypodermic technique (inject to the trunk), but you must consult to person specialized on this field (PPL).
1. As Complement Fertilizer.
Event through the D.I. GROW contains complete macro and micro hara element but the numbers are very small that it still need basic fertilizer event through ground but the basic fertilizer reduces to 30% of suggestion dosage.
2. As Growth Stimulation Essence, that is accelerate the vegetative growth of plants, stimulate flowering /insemination and prevent flower and fruit not to fall easily.
3. As Soil Conditioner, that is repair of physical nature of land in order the land to be friable again gradually.
The primary function of D.I. GROW is as complement fertilizer, not as pesticide, but D.I. GROW supply makes plant healthier. D.I. GROW is only lessen plant disease and disease attack and not make it disappear at all.
1. Produced by own factory width INTERNATIONAL scale (Malaysia).
2. Natural, organic, nontoxic and the environmental friendliness
3. Having own R&D Centre (research center) at Senai valley, Johor, Malaysia
4. Passed Quality and Effectivity test, accordance with the Department of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia.
5. Complete and well-balanced nutrition contain.
6. Containing Natural Growth Stimulation Essence.
7. In form of ion, so that easy and quickly to be permeated by mouth leaves (stomatas).
8. Practical and Economical in crop
9. Suitable for all types of crop.
10. Guarantee of Quality and rational price.
A complete contains of hara element, hormone, and humic acid in D.I. GROW by working mechanism ability, collectively and simultantly, represents the benefit potency which can be developed in improving productivity of development of crop. Some of the benefits are :
- Stimulating root formation and increasing the Efficiency of Basic Fertilizer
The continuing process of D.I. GROW application in crop body is to improve the growth of the root. The increasing of this process followed by Giberellin and Sitokinin process that forming on the root. Concentration of Giberellin and Sitokinin on the root are increasing, some are come up from the roof surface along with root exudates process.
The hormone added with fotosintesan which gathered on the root as root maker materials is also exploited by existing land/ground microbe around the young roots. The activity of metabolism on land/ground microbe allows the increasing of hara element availability absorbed by the root, especially for N and P hara. The combination development mechanism of the root and the activity of metabolism on land/ground microbe increasing the number of hara element absorbed by crop of time association. Thus, efficiency of basic fertilizer usage can be improved.
- Enlarging the leaf size and lengthened the productive age of the leaf
Auksin and Sitokinin enhanced through application of D.I. GROW, able to improve working energy of sitokinin endogen especially at process of cell bisection. The cells of crop leafs split faster, so that more cells can be formed in one time.
The same thing happens on Giberellin, with the existence of growth stimulation of the root, the amount of Giberellin Endogen increased. The increasing of Concentrated Giberellin quickened by the addition of Giberellin from D.I. GROW application, so that enable to push the process of leaf cells magnification that already formed earlier. This process is very real on crop leaf using D.I. GROW, the wide and large of the leaf is increasing up to 3 (three) time.
The increasing of Sitokinin concentration on leaf that is above normal concentration, will depress the formation of obsitat hormone. The formation of hormone Obsitat became slower so that the leaf will not become old quickly. This condition enables the leaf to have longest productive age. This effect can be seen clearly at soy and potato crops which used the D.I. GROW application. These two crops are in their normal condition, near a period of maturity (before harvest time), the leaf will turn yellow and moult quickly. But for crop using D.I. GROW until passed the age of harvest, the leaf still looks fresh and green.
- Improving the accumulation of Fotosintesa Result in the form of Fruit/Tuber
Continuation process from stimulant action of D.I. GROW is not desisted at production spots supply on leafs, this process continue to come up with depository tissues formation of food reserve, fast increase product of fotosintesa will change C/N Ratio and become relatively big. This condition make crop change its phase, from vegetative phase to generative phase. In generative phase, the crop recess its depository tissues formation in the form of fruit, root tuber, modificated leaves, and so on.
The concentration of hormone sitokinin and Giberellin addition will improve capacities of depository tissues formation. Depository tissues cells will be formed more and bigger. This condition is suitable to accommodate fotosintesa outcome which increase fastly.
This action can be seen clearly at potato tuber size which increases to 30%. On paddy crop the increasing of depository can be seen from the paddy seed size, but it can be seen at the content density, weight of mean seed which increase up to 20%.
- Stimulate Formation of Flower
The increasing of C/N ratio brings crop into a period of primordial flower, quickening the crop mature period. In this phase, addition Giberellin in eksogen way often breaks the usage dormancy because of temperature and long irradiation.
Serealia and most of annual fruit crops have real reaction on application D.I. GPOW. On paddy the average number of pull out period is faster up to 10 days. For mango and orange, they can flowering quicker between 20-30 days.
- Degrading Fall Out Level of Flowers/Fruits
The action of Giberellina and Auksin with added by eksogen, depress production of hormone obsitat. Thus, the absisi process (the release of crop parts) is pursued. There almost no production of auksin in flower and fruit. This conditions will race the formation of cork coat which grow to the limit between flower/fruit footstalk/branch, life and become cork tissues
- Lengthened Productive Age of Crop
Mechanism of D.I. GROW as a whole improves crop quality systematically. The action started from an extensive root development that able to support irrigation and hara requirements availability for crop growth process as a whole. On coronet part, by giving starter through D.I. GROW application that guaranteed additional growth hormone and micro hara element that capable able to multiply production center tissues, and finally it will be able to supply basic carbohydrate requirement for entire crop parts.
This condition enables crop maintaining its stamina every time. Real effect of this process can be seen on string bean and red chili crops using D.I. GROW. String bean can improve its picking/harvest frequency up to 70%, while on red chili crop, its production age is extendable until 30% days.
- Improving resistance to Bug/Pest Attack
Giving a complete nutrition (macro dan micro) on crop, will result in having superfine stamina, so that the usage of pesticide can be depressed.
1. The Green D.I. GROW
The Green D.I. GROW is used to increase growth and progress of the crop at vegetative phase, seeding period, and a period when the crop is sick
The Green D.I. GROW is very suitable for all kinds of fruit or non fruit crops.
The Green D.I. GROW functions to :
• Stimulate and increase the growth of root, trunk, leaf, and small crop rapidly.
• Make the sick crop back to health.
The specification of the Green D.I. GROW :
• Volume size : 0.5 liters and 4 liter
• Concentration : 3 ml / liters of water (depends on the crop age)
2. The Red D.I. GROW
The Red D.I. GROW is used to optimalizing vegetative growth, and speed up the secretion of flower and fruit. D.I. GROW is used at the time of flowering occurrence, and at the period of insemination.
The Red D.I. GROW is very suitable for all kinds of flowering/fruiting crops.
The specification the of Red D.I. GROW :
• Volume size : 0.5 liter, 1 liter and 4 liters
• Concentration : 4-5ml /liter of water (depends on the crop age)
Basically, the infiltrated of hara element into the crop’s body can be done through the root, the trunk and the leaf. The technology of D.I GROW fertilizer will be priority on the application of spraying to the leaf, since this method is more efficient and effective. Except for some crops where it is impossible to be applicated by spraying to the leaf, because the crop is too high. In this case, application can be done through hypodermic system (inject to the trunk by drilling it), by spraying to the trunk and showering the ground (the root area). Application to different kinds of crops can be seen on appendix.
The frequency of Ritegrow application can be done optimally according to the crop’s critical condition at general. The average number of crop’s critical condition can be divided in the three phases, which are:
• Young crop phase (vegetative phase)
• Flower primordial phase (generative phase)
• The excrescence/enlargement of fruit or tuber phase
Thus, application frequently be adjusted to the type of crop and short and length period of each phase
a) D.I GROW Application on Vegetative Phase
The application of D.I GROW on this condition is addressed to speed up the growth and development of the root, the trunk and the leaf. The first spraying on young crop conducted when the young leaves already able to fotosintezing optimally. At this phase application of Green D.I GROW performed for crop at the age of 10 to 20 days after being planted, with dose of 3 cc liter of water.
b). The Application of D.I. GROW on Generative Phase
This is an optimal growth phase before turning to its generative growth phase. Application of D.I GROW at this phase will make crop grow fantastically, the size of crop will be bigger than its normal size.
The relatively fast growing and the size of fruit that is above normal are possible to happen after the application of Ritegrow. Because D.I GROW is balanced with growth incentive substances (Auksin, Sitokinin, and Giberellin) which worked simultantly. Auksin caused the cells resteam the crop, its wall become elastic, enabled sitokinin races new cell growth, through quickened bisection. While hormone Giberellin races the magnification of crop’s differentiation so that the crop seemed to grow bigger and rapidly. Visually, the flowering moment of this crop will happen earlier.
At this phase, we use Red D.I. GROW. Basically, when the crop reaches above the age of 30 days after plantation (for season crop) with the doze of 4,5 cc/liter of water. While for annual crop it will be depend on the types of the crop (see annual crop application).
c). The Application of D.I. GROW on Enlargement of Fruit/Tuber Phase
At the end of vegetative grow, the crop begin to form repository for carbohydrate, this can be in the form of fruit, root tuber (corm grow), or trunk. Application on flower primordial phase has been assisted in formation tissue of the repository. The measure of fruit and tuber sizes has been drawn up through activity of differentiation multiplication of crop cells to function as carbohydrate depository vessel.
The production phase will also measure the pattern of crop growth. The initial produce phase shown that growth is bigger. At one-third of fruit or tuber age, the growth of fruit or tuber is relatively fast, it is mean that carbohydrate speed is getting higher gradually and the depository speed of this carbohydrate reaches its maximal measure at on-third of the fruit age at average. After that, the depository speed is declined and stopped when maturation of fruit or tuber take place.
At this phase use Red D.I. GROW, With dosage 4-5 cc/Liter of water. Application at this phase will give a relatively good result, and the maturation of fruit can be quickened.
To gain an optimal result, some of these following points should be noticed in using D.I GROW fertilizer
The fertilizer should be mixed by water
The fertilizer is sprayed to the whole parts of the crop and splashed in to the ground around the root.
The fertilizer is used in the morning (at 06.00 – 09.00 a.m.) or in the afternoon (after 16.00 p.m.)
Do not use it in the daylight when the sun shines intensely
Do not use it when it almost rain
The fertilizer must be used up, if the product remains, splash it to the ground around the root
If bug/pest problem occurs, the fertilizer can be mixed with pesticide
For the high crop (leaf is out of reach) the fertilizer should be splashed to the ground around the root radius or with hypodermic technique (inject to the trunk), but you must consult to person specialized on this field (PPL).
Saturday, 23 January 2010

An Energizer
Aids in sexual disfunction
Improves quality of sleep
Control mood swing
Health benefits- Helps in weight control
- Relieves Rheumatism
- Increase blood flow to the brain
- Prevents blood clots
- Inhibit platelet activating factor [PAF]
- Active and powerful antioxidant Terpenoids
Hastens healing of wounds after childbirth, Circumcision and other post-operative procedures
Revitalizes the reproduction Organs
Control mood swing
Health benefits- Serves as a Pain killer
- Helps to heal bronchitis and reduce symptoms of sinusitis
- Reduce Chronics constipation, calms the mind and reduces stress (anxiolytic
- Increase blood and lymph circulation
- Slows down aging process
- Relieves rheumatism
- Prevents Goiter
- Its an Energizer
- Revitalizes the reproductive organs
- Contains EPA active ingredients. Effective in healing internal and external
Increase testosterone level by 480%
Enhances male Libido
Raise Energy levels
Health benefits- Improve blood Circulation
- Aphrodisiac properties
- Prevents diabetes and Ulcers
- Prevent prostate Cancer, Leukemia and other forms of Cancer
- Anti fever, Anti malaria effects
- Strengthen Kidneys
- Ease rheumatic pain
- Relieves migraine
- Enhances health and vitality
- Anti oxidant properties
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